The purpose of tusvir.com is to promote Pakistan digitally. The country has so much to offer physically and digitally. Tusvir.com goal is to promote and give exposure to the talent of photographers, graphic designers, artists, cartoonists, and idea creators.
There is a need to promote Digital Pakistan and bolster IT industry by building a digital ecosystem. This digital economy will automatically lower the poverty in different parts of the country.
Tusvir.com would also like to reduce barriers to online earnings for Person with Disabilities (PwDs). We will go one step ahead in order to make them at ease.
Graphics are needed on a daily basis to journalists, web developers, book writers, blog writers, vloggers, social media creators; you name it and the list keeps on going.
The purpose of Tusvir.com is to bring in the talent from all over Pakistan and showcase it to the global. The beauty of Pakistan either in physical shape or digital shape must be expose to the world.
The following categories are competitive in market. Tusvir.com would like to promote the graphcis for the following categories in addition to the main published categories mentioned in https://www.tusvir.com/categories.- Accelerators
- Accession to ITA
- Agriculture Information Portal
- Agriculture institutions and farmers
- Application Development
- Automation of Courts
- Awareness Programs
- Call Centers
- Capacity building in Big Data
- Cloud based citizen services
- Data Protection & Privacy
- Database Integration
- Digital Skills Trainings
- e- Government
- Early child-hood coding programs
- E-Commerce
- E-Commerce
- E-Commerce Policy/framework
- E-Payment Gateway
- E-Portals
- e-Procurement
- G-Cloud
- Geographical Information System (GIS)
- Hardware related R&D
- ICT accessibility for PWDs
- ICT Capacity Building of Agriculture institutions and farmers
- ICT Curriculum
- ICT for Girls Programs
- Incentive Programs
- Incentives program
- Integration of Databases
- Intellectual Property Rights
- International Events & Marketing campaigns
- Internships
- IT enablement of logistics operator
- IT Incubators
- IT Incubators
- IT Trainings for farm extension workers
- National Incubation Centers
- Network Accessibility
- Online dispute resolution
- Placement of Business Development experts
- Policy/framework
- Provision of online forms
- R&D
- R&D and Collaboration
- Reduction in digital divide through local content creation
- Seed funding for Startups
- Skills & Capabilities enhancements
- Software Technology Parks
- Special incentive package
- Standards formulation
- Structured Gap Analysis Program
- Tax Treatment of software Industry
- Taxation
- Telecenters
- Tele-medicine
- Text to speech software
- Training
- Training, Capacity building
- Venture Capital Funds
- Wireless Broadband